Furor Bikes are one man’s engineering, design, and development based in Kyiv. His name is Bogdan Rudenko and he is a true DIY man, or should we say an EvNerd. Furor bikes latest project is electric motorcycle called MANOWAR 2.0
Manowar 2.0 electric motorcycle frame is based on Manowar 1.0
The concept was based on the cross-endurance motorcycle. A frame of this type is the most versatile and perfect solution. On the basis of such a platform, you can build an unsurpassed bike, both in appearance and in terms of characteristics (speed, acceleration, mileage, weight).

With different plastic and metal covers, Furor bikes will achieve different designs like this


Furor bikes are making it wasy to switch electric brushless motors on the bottom of the frame
Manowar 2.0 project has been developed for about 9 months. Although the project revision 1.0 has gone already after 6 months at the start of the project, only now after the tests and upgrades everything is ready for the start of small-scale production.
Main advantages of the MANOWAR 2.0 frame:
– A huge opportunity for customizations
– Installation of the drive (outboard) motors
– Suspension with progression
This is Furor latest pictures from this products development
Before Manowar, Furor Bikes created a variety of different Ebikes and electric motorcycles in Kyiv using Steel tubes, Aluminium tubes, and Steel Sheet.
LMX BIKES INSPIRED electric motorcycle
Bogdan Redenko created a simmiliar bike to first version LMX bikes
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 3. svibnja 2017
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 27. ožujka 2017
MANOWAR 1.0 Electric motorcycle prototype
Сьогодні вперше після відпустки навідався в цех. Отримав довгоочікувані деталюшки. Ще не зрозуміло, що з цього вийде, але наступний тиждень буде дуже цікавий.
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 1. rujna 2017
Вихідні вже наближаються — я бачу!
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 8. rujna 2017
#електробайк вже на колесах, чекаю коли приїдуть акуми і інші дрібнички
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 12. rujna 2017
Finished product
Якщо цікаво то сьогодні в мене був перший дійсно бойовий виїзд. Накатав близько 40 км, більше нестав мучити батарейку. П…
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 11. studenoga 2017
Cargo Electric bike
Bogdan Rudenko built other non Electric bike frames. We specially like this one:
І що тут у нас? Ага, самоварний алю ендурік!Ну от і доходить до кінця майже річна епопея з побудови власного All…
Posted by Bogdan Rudenko on 14. lipnja 2017
Check out Furor bikes for more information