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Harley Davidson new 2019. Electric Scrambler and Light Electric Motorcycle concept

Harley Davidson new 2019. concepts like Electric Scrambler and light electric Dirt-bike are showing the world that the company is going ALL IN at electric vehicles market. Besides the electric motorcycle Livewire, it seems that Harley is shooting for those with less money in pockets too. Harley Davidson has a huge BRAND status potential to really make this light electric vehicles affordable and to position themselves on the market near SUPER SOCO or SUR RON LIGHT BEE electric motorcycles in terms of pricing. We mentioned these two because they are homologated, affordable and they fit LIGHT ELECTRIC VEHICLES CATEGORY with speeds up to 45 km/h by the EU law

2019. Harley Davidson Electric Scrambler Concept

Harley Davidson electric SCRAMBLER bike concept

There are no specs given by Harley Davidson about these concepts. We can see that ELECTRIC SCRAMBLER light motorcycle is belt driven with a mid-drive electric motor, big battery space that could fit 30 – 40 ah Lithium easily, slick fat tires, LED back-light, and front LED light with the halo effect. The frame is probably aluminum and it is made with interesting two-tone colors: Blue outside frame color and orange inside frame color. The front fork is hydraulic with disc brakes and a regular mtb rotor.



We have seen many “scrambler” electric bikes like UNIMOKE, JUCIED electric Scrambler, Super 73 electric bike and we must say that the new HD bike does not look like a copy of existing models, it is original and something we would definitely ride if the price is right.

This is what Harley Davidson has to say about the Scrambler concept:

These lightweight electric concepts are designed for an urban future by being generally easy to ride – no clutch, no shifting, lightweight, and with the goal of no motorcycle license required to operate. Both feature removable, single-hand-carry battery packs and a style grounded in H-D design philosophies.

Concept shown. Production model features may vary. Not yet available for sale. All future models shown may not be available in all markets

harley davidson 2019 electric scrambler bike motorcycle

2019. Harley Davidson LIGHT ELECTRIC DIRT BIKE concept

harley-davidson-electric dirtbike concept
Harley Davidson Light Electric Dirt bike Concept

This nifty electric dirt bike concept features mid-drive motor connected to the rear wheel with belt drive. The battery capacity that would fit the frame would be something like 48v-60v 20 ah. The overall design looks interesting and this bike might be aimed at the same market as SUR-RON light bee. The parts on the bike seem like MTB parts, so this thing should be under 45 Kg. Please note that this all specifications are only our opinion. Nothing is confirmed by Harley Davidson, not even the name of the concept.

This is what Harley Davidson has to say about the electric dirt bike concept:

These concepts are built with the routine and the rad in mind. They reimagine the urban commute and make off-road experiences accessible – unlocking the city in the process.

Concept shown. Production model features may vary. Not yet available for sale. All future models shown may not be available in all markets.


Harley, thank you for a great start of 2019. Check out Harley Davidson website for more future info

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Written by EvNerds


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