

New Inmotion v10 and v10F electric unicycles

Inmotion v10f

New Inmotion v10 and v10F electric unicycles

After the Electric unicycle world got excited about NINEBOT ONE Z, Inmotion is coming back hard at NINEBOT with competing wheel called Inmotion V10 and Inmotion V10F. This is the widest Inmotion electric unicycle by now, and pedals seem to be the right hight ( something that Ninebot ONE missed in their first prototype design ).

inmotion v10, inmotion v10f
Inmotion V10F

Inmotion V10 SPECIFICATIONS ( Keep in mind this are roumors right now)

Inmotion V10
Battery capacity 640 Wh 920 Wh
Machine weight 18 kg 20 kg
Max speed 40 km / h
Max weight 120 kg
Diameter 16 inches
Guarantee 2 years

Inmotion V10 and Inmotion V10F seem to be 16-inch wheels. We cant confirm this yet.
The Inmotion V10 is available in two battery versions, a 680 Wh and a 920 Wh, well above the 480 Wh of previous Inmotion V8 (the flagship model of the brand from 2017.). The autonomy should be around 50 and 70 km.

The V10 is also equipped with a motor and electronics (PCB, battery) sufficiently powerful to achieve a maximum speed of 40 km / h and high cruising speed for long urban and countryside travel.

For other info and images we will have to wait a bit longer!

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Written by EvNerds


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