Ninebot ONE Z6, Z8 and Z10 information we found on internet about Segways new product
Now we have a full picture of Ninebot Segway company and their new product
Ninebot photos and videos come from China source. We think it’s when they realised public display for the first time about their new Electric unicycle
The new electric unicycle is simply fantastic. All best things from various electric unicycle companies like Gotway, Airwheel, previous Ninebot are gathered in one single product THE NINEBOT ONE Z ( ONE Z6, ONE Z8, AND ONE Z10). Previously we posted this post with first leaked photos
Full video with Ninebot ONE in action
It is Batman inspired design. You can see here the Batman silhouette. Just look at that tire, we are drooling all over it
Ninebot ONE Z specs :
Wheel size: 18 inch
Max Speed: 35km
Motor: 1200w
Battery: 574wh
Range: 40-55km
Max Load: 150kg
Max incline: 20 degrees
PRICE: 4999 YUAN/RMB in China. Around 750 USD
Wheel size: 18 inch
Max Speed: 40km
Motor: 1500w
Battery: 862wh
Range: 60-80km
Max Load: 150kg
Max incline: 25 degrees
PRICE: 7999 YUAN/RMB in China. Around 1200 USD
Wheel size: 18 inch
Max Speed: 45km
Motor: 1800w
Battery: 1000wh
Range: 80-100km
Max Load: 150kg
Max incline: 25 degrees
PRICE: 9999 YUAN/RMB in China. Around 1500 USD
Segway product line:
1999 – Segway Inc is the leading innovator of personal transportation
2002 – First Segway Personal Transporters (PT) are sold on
2005 – Segway Cross-Terrain Transporter is launched
2013 – Ninebot is established in Beijing, China
2014 – Segway three-wheel PT is launched – SE-3 Patroller, for the public safety market
2014 – Ninebot launches Ninebot E+
2015 – Segway and Ninebot join forces
2015 – Ninebot by Segway launches miniPRO and ONE E+
2016 – Ninebot by Segway launches ONE S2 – successor of Ninebot ONE E+
2016 – Segway Europe HQ is opened in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
All images here and all information is not confirmed by Segway or Ninebot.
Materials on this page are not ours and we do not claim any copyright on them.
If you wish to hear the official news go to their official website Segway