Electric Cruiser Bikes and Electric Skateboards are getting more affordable each day. There is so much different ebike and e-skate models to choose from right now. However, this kills DIY creativity because some DIY builders are only driven by making their electric vehicles cheaper than what they can afford from the market. True DIY builders build their EV stuff because of the inner passion that drives realization of their own ideas or dreams. Those designers, engineers, and truly genius people see a bunch of aluminum profiles laying around, and then creativity kicks in! Even if the same bike they imagined is available in the e-bike shop, they will still build their own!

This is exactly what happened to János Katona. He found some Bosch aluminum profiles laying around, old Bionix motor, some unused 18650 cells, and BANG this happened!
Electric Crusier Bicycle Made with Bosch Aluminum Profiles

18650 Battery Cells with Bionix motor mounted as MID-MOTOR: “Looks like 36V will not be enough :/ must go with 60 Volts instead.”

First Electric Cruiser ride test:

Just follow János on Instagram if you are into custom e-bikes, he has a new electric build coming along!
Three Wheel Electric Skateboard Frame Made with Bosch Aluminum Profiles
Three wheels electric skateboard is interesting because of the front steering system and the fact that János Katona used hoverboard hub motor as a driving force for his custom DIY creation. He does not like bumps on the road so he added a suspension system to the rear wheel with custom made disc brake mounts for the hoverboard motor.The tilting front wheels feature double steering linkage.

Awesome engineering, design and DIY skills! We wish everybody more projects like this in 2019.