

Build a DIY Electric Skateboard or Longboard

Ebike School tell us how to build DIY Electric Skateboard or Longboard

As usual, Ebike School instructions are pretty straightforward, and this DIY Electric Skateboard video shows us that anyone can build it if they have all the tools and links to a repository for electric skateboard parts. Lucky for us, Micah Toll has listed all parts on Youtube.

Micah Toll will show 3 main things in this video:

  1. Electric Skateboard main components
  2. How to arrange all electric skateboard components together and how to connect them
  3. How to easily make fiberglass covers for you electric skateboard battery
electric-skateboard components
electric-skateboard components
how to arrange all electric skateboard components together and how to connect them
how to arrange all electric skateboard components together and how to connect them
how to easily make fiberglass covers for you electric skateboard battery
how to easily make fiberglass covers for you electric skateboard battery

If you are interested in DIY lithium battery making, you should definatly check out this article by Ebike School as well.

What do you think?


Written by EvNerds


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