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Combining EUC with Dance and Circus Arts

Jessie Kat has been performing since she was a little girl. She found a passion for hula hoops in 2015 and then came fire dancing, with many different props, at the end of 2017.

The beginning of this year (2020) when her partner, Flowstyle Kyle, introduced her to the electric unicycle, and she truly fell in love.

Since then, it has been their goal to bring all types of flow arts to the euc. Their commitment to juggling has brought forth some amazing new skills and only continues to get better every single day. Together they are called “The Electric Jugglers”.

When they put their juggling props down, the dancers come to focus. Their biggest inspiration are ice skaters or ballerinas.

The goal is be graceful and elegant, combing pirouettes, backwards riding, acrobatics and one foot balances to show something completely different to the euc community, while bringing a edge with sharp tricks like 180s,  360s, and 540s.

You can guarantee these performance artists will go far, spreading their euc art all across the world. You can find them on YouTube and Instagram. Make sure to follow and subscribe to get the first looks as they release new videos weekly. (Links below)

Jessie Kat-

Flowstyle Kyle-

Electric Jugglers

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Written by Jessie Hutchison

Story MakerYears Of Membership


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