This little e-moto bad-boy started his live as a 50cc quad. After standing outside the workshop for over a year i decided to order some cheap stuff to build something cool for the kids.
E-moto for kids – The build process
I ordered a kit with a 250watt 24v motor in it and found some 12v 7ah lead acid batteries that i had laying around and start building.
I really wanted to bring back the shape of the gas tank and wanted the controller in sight because i thought that would look badass. It got led lights in front and back that can easily turned on by a switch on the little dash.
A good friend of mine did a really nice job on the custom buddy-seat.
The stage of building when everything is painted, and you see that idea in your head come alive is really satisfying. Put some carbon shields on the side to hide al the wires to get a clean look.
On the right side you find the charging connector and a small bag for toys, candy or whatever kids are into these days.
How does it ride? You can compare it with the original 50cc engine so nothing extreme. I will change the rear sprocket for a bigger one to get more torque and to lower the top speed, its still a little to fast for small beginners. When i am satisfied with the gear ratio i will fit a chain guard to protect those little legs.
Hope you all like this build, i know i did:) Thanks for reading
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