
Hermes needs its Antidote

Spoiler alert! Paradox Kinetics is building a Handmade Downhill bike with a frame of Antidote.

For all our followers and the lovers of Downhill, we have to give an explanation of this picture.

As it’s already known, Antidote is a huge bike company which provides to its riders the best downhill and enduro experience. Dark matter is a lightweight frame and really cool.I mean, look at these colors!

Who would say no to a frame like this?

We, in Paradox Kinetics, couldn’t.

We still have not figure out the color of Hermes that could make the perfect match. We are challenging you to send us your thoughts, suggest us colors and also help us build the perfect bike. Any ideas?

Stay tuned because, truth is, that we do not only have one Dark matter frame.

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